Topics on Appointments
How do I move an appointment using the clipboard?
How do I create a repeat appointment?
How do I book an appointment for outside of opening hours?
How can I set up the system to show me client notes on check in?
How do I change the colour of the appointments for new clients?
How do I save a product on an appointment so I can pay for it all later?
How do I access another branch or location?
How do I send an automatic SMS or email to a no-show client?
How can I mark a staff member as late?
How to amend the price of a product or service when paying the appointment
What is the Hide On/Hide Off Button?
What do the appointment icon's mean?
How do I change the color of my appointments / service categories?
How do I view and edit history for clients who have purchased a course?
Appointment Screen - Commonly Asked Questions
What does the red flag icon on the appointments mean?
How do I create a prompt for a clients appointment?
Appointment Has Been Paid But Is Still Yellow / Grey
How to get client notes to appear on the Appointment Screen
How to extend or reduce the duration of a service?
How do I process a single payment?
How do I find and print a clients future appointment?
How to re-book an appointment using service history?
How do I pay for an appointment/checkout a client?
How do I remove an appointment?
How do I set up pop up prompts for services?
How do I pay for/checkout more than one client at the same time on the appointment screen?
How do I select multiple appointments to copy/move using the clipboard?
How do I convert a Treatment into a Course?
How do I find out which staff members are qualified for a particular service or treatment?
How do I confirm an appointment?
How to add a product when paying for an appointment/checking out a client
How do I see all of the changes that have been made to a service?
How do I find out who booked or changed an appointment, i.e Appointment Trail
What are the Appointment Colors?
How To View Week Of Appointments For Staff Member
How do I edit an appointment ?
How Do I Print Staff Members Daily Schedule
What does the phone icon mean on the appointment screen?
What is the difference between client notes and appointment notes?
How do I zoom In/out on the appointment screen?
How Can I Put A Deposit Onto A Client's Appointment?
How do I make collecting a client's email address or mobile number mandatory?
How to drag and drop appointments?
How to turn off/on appointment icons?
How to choose a specific date?