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    How Can I Put A Deposit Onto A Client's Appointment?

    This article will show you how to put a deposit on a client's treatment

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    To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enroll in our Get Started with Phorest series in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.  

    You can put credit onto a client's account which will allow the client to use that credit to pay for future treatments, however you can also put a deposit directly onto a client's treatment so that when the client is ready to pay for their treatment the system will hold that deposit attached and the client will just have to pay the remaining amount. 

    Step by step guide

    Double click into the appointment on the calendar. Click Pay. Click the Cog Wheel next to the price of the treatment 

    Click Deposit. Enter the Amount the client would like to pay towards that treatment (Please note that this amount cannot be above the price of the treatment)

    Click OK. Click Pay. Choose the Payment Type the client would like to pay with. Click Pay once again

    Now when you go to the appointment calendar you will see that the appointment has turned a lime green colour indicating that a deposit has been placed on the treatment and you will see the deposit amount and the date that the deposit was attached. 

    When you go to pay the remaining amount for the appointment you will receive a prompt to say that the client has X amount on deposit. 

    You will then see that the system will show the Remaining Amount to be paid and will have the deposit attached to the Account payment type. 

    You will then just need to click the Payment Type that the client would like to pay with and click Pay


    To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enroll in our Get Started with Phorest series in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals

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