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    9 Handy Shortcuts for Phorest Software

    This article give useful tips and shortcuts with the related articles on some of the most commonly used functions in Phorest

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    1. How do I find the last 5 clients that I was looking at?
      Click the DOWN ARROW on the keyboard in the client field in the create appointment screen.
      How do I find the last 5 clients entered when booking/paying?

    2. How do I put a sale on hold? (e.g. Add a product to an appointment)
      Click on an appointment and click Pay. Scan in a product or two. Then click away from the purchase screen before paying. If you go back to the Purchase screen you then click the DOWN ARROW in the client field and it shows up to 5 saved sales.
      How do I save a product on an appointment so I can pay for it all later?

    3. How do I pay for more than one client at the same time on the appointment screen? 
      Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and you can select multiple appointments to Pay or Check in. Conversely if you want to pay for just one appointment for a client that is booked in for more than one then you press SHIFT and click on the appointment you want to pay and press it again until the other appointments for that client are unselected - then click Pay.
      How do I pay for/checkout more than one client at the same time on the appointment screen?

    4. How do I select multiple appointments to copy/move using the clipboard? 
      Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and you can select multiple appointments - then click the Clipboard button on the right hand side.
      How do I select multiple appointments to copy/move using the clipboard?

    5. How do I scroll up or down on the appointment screen? 
      You do this by holding your finger or clicking and holding with the mouse on a white slot and dragging up or down.
      How do I scroll up and down on the appointment screen without moving appointments accidentally?

    6. How do I set how much information appears on the printed column for each staff member? 
      You click on the Print button on the right hand side of the appointment screen. A pop up appears with a button called Settings. Click on this and you can decide what information will appear on the print outs.
      How do I set how much information appears on the printed column for each staff member?

    7. How do I change the order of the service buttons on my appointment screen so the most popular buttons are at the top?
      You can use the Arrows Up and Down that have a gloved hand over them - click here for more details.

    8. How do I pay a tip on a credit or debit card?
      When you reach the Payment Types in the Purchase screen, tap the small calculator button beside Credit or Debit and enter the full amount plus the tip. Once you click Pay, the change will come up as the tip and you can take this out of the till and give it to the staff member or put it in the Tip jar.

    9. How do I clear the PURCHASE screen to start again?
      Tap the Purchase button on the left hand menu when you are in the Purchase screen and this will clear the screen.
      How do I clear everything on the Purchase Screen so as to start again?



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