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    Please contact support@phorest.com and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

    How The Help Desk Works

    The Phorest help desk will provide you with the necessary information and support relating to the Phorest software.

    The help desk provides a point of contact for Phorest users to gain assistance in troubleshooting, getting answers to questions and solving known problems. You can browse the help desk articles by category or use the search option to find something more specific.

    The Phorest help desk is situated in the contact support section. 

    1. Select the 'Contact Support' button

    2. Type your query in the 'How Can We Help You?' search box or search by popular category.

    3. When you start typing your query, recommended articles will show below.

    4. Select a suitable article and follow the necessary steps to resolve your query.

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