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    Staff Appointments Report

    This article explores the report which shows all services with the option of client service and colour notes

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    The Staff Appointment report will give you a breakdown of all the appointments booked in throughout the selected dates, with or without client service and colour notes.

    To run this report go to Manager > Reports > Return to Old Reports > Staff

    Expand the Staff section (as shown in point 1. below) , and then scroll down to the Staff Appointments report (2.), then choose some suitable dates and you also have the option here of running the report by Staff Member (3.). 

    Checking the Show service and colour Notes will show an extra column for any service and colour notes written against the appointment (4.).  Finally once you are ready, click the Generate Now button (5.) 

    Here is what the report looks like with the Show service and colour Notes box unchecked: 

    Here is what the report looks like with the Show service and colour Notes box checked: 

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