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    Discounts and Special Offers Report

    The Discounts and Special Offers report will give you a summary and detailed analysis of discounts applied to sales and special offers sold in the dates chosen.

    Step by Step Guide

    To view this report go to Manager > Reports > Financials > Discounts and Special Offers


    Discount Summary

    • Discount Reason: The type of discount applied to any sale eg manually created by you or a standard percentage/amount.
    • Quantity: The number of the discounts sold during that time
    • Original Price: The original price of the item before the discount was applied
    • Sales Price: The price after the discount was applied to the item
    • Discounted: The difference between the original and sale price


    Special Offers Summary

    • Special Offer Category: The type of service category in which the special offer was allocated to eg Cut + Style, Colour, Special Offers etc.
    • Quantity: The number of special offers sold during that time
    • Original Price: The original price of the special before a discount (if applied).
    • Sale Price: The cost of the special after the sale has completed
    • Discounted: The difference between the original and sale price


    Discount Breakdown

    • Reason: The type of discount applied to the transaction
    • ID: The transaction ID number
    • Time: The time and date of the transaction
    • Staff: The name of the staff member carrying out the sale
    • Item: The product or service sold
    • Client: The name of the client for that sale
    • Qty: The amount of that specific item sold
    • Original Price: The original price of the special before a discount (if applied).
    • Sale Price: The cost of the special after the sale has completed


    Special Offers Breakdown

    • Special Offer Category: The type of service category in which the special offer was allocated to eg Cut + Style, Colour, Special Offers etc.
    • ID: The transaction ID number
    • Time: The time and date of the transaction
    • Staff: The name of the staff member carrying out the sale
    • Item: The name of the service in the Special Offer
    • Client: The name of the client for that sale
    • Qty: The amount of that specific item sold
    • Original Price: The original price of the special before a discount (if applied).
    • Sale Price: The cost of the special after the sale has completed

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