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    How do I re-order my staff?

    This article will advise on how the order your staff appear online can be changed.

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    Staff are listed in alphabetical order

    This is not something that can be turned off as it is a default setting held within our online booking platform.

    But you can order them by Numbers. 

    To begin you will need to go to Manager > Staff Members.

    Click into staff profile.

    In the 'First Name' field you will need to add a number based on who to show first.

    When you select Save the changes made will be updated and carried across to your online booking system.

    Repeat the above with your remaining staff members in sequence of how you want them to appear, i.e 1. , 2. , 3. etc

    The staff will then be listed online Numerically.

    Note : This will not re order your staff on the main Phorest system.

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