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    How to reverse a stock transfer "request"

    This article explains how to reverse a stock transfer request in Phorest

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    Once a stock transfer has been made, it cannot be undone, and so the only way to delete it is to create an opposite reversal transfer to cancel out the original one. For instance Salon A sends 10 products outgoing to Salon C by mistake, and then requests them back as incoming stock. Lets look at this example in more detail:  

    Example 1: Supposing you are one of 3 branches in a multi branch salon, and wish to send some stock from your Salon A to Salon B, but when you made the transfer on Phorest, you accidentally chose to to send it to Salon C.  The original action on Phorest would have been a Stock Transfer Outgoing to Salon C.  The reversal request to cancel this mistake would be to chose a stock transfer Incoming from Salon C back to your Salon A.  In this instance no goods have been exchanged and this is simply a transaction going out and then coming back in.  Very much the same as if you sent an email or text to the wrong person, you have to request it back by deleting it in order to virtually undo the send.  

    Example 2: If goods had been exchanged as per the example above, it may be easier for Salon C to do  stock transfer at their end as an outgoing transfer back to Salon A (so Salon A still sees it as Incoming back to them).  Please note that Phorest cannot be responsible for the actual physical goods, this needs to be arranged by the salon.  What is recorded in Phorest is simply a record of the transaction.  

    Step-by-step guide


    1. First we go to the Manager > Stock Transfers

    2. To request stock from another branch, first we need to select the Incoming tab, then click  Create a Stock Order:

    3. Then we must select a Branch we want to request stock From:
      1. Select the branch we want to request stock from
      2. Give the stock request a name
        When finished, click on the OK button

    4. We can use the tabs at the top of the screen to filter products by Retail, Professional or Colour, or as in the example below, we can look at All products.  If you wish to filter even further you can use the drop down arrows next to Name/Code, Brand, Supplier or Category

    5. When entering the quantity of stock we are requesting click on the product you would like to import from the other branch and then select Edit


    6. Now enter the amount using the pop up calculator window, and then press the OK button (as shown in points 1 and 2 below)

    7. Then you will be asked if you wish to apply the stock take now:


    8. If you choose No, then you can apply it at a later time from the main stock transfer screen by pressing the Apply button


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