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    How to schedule a split shift for a staff member working in multiple locations?

    This article will show you how to schedule a staff member working in two or more location in a day.

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    To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enroll in our Staff Roster course in Phorest Academy- online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professional.

    Gif: Same Salon Split Shifts

    Gif: Multi-Location Split Shifts

    Step-by-Step Guide

    Choose the Staff member that will be working in both locations. Double click on the date they are doing the split shift.

    On the slide out click on the Add Shift button.

    Click on the drop downs to choose the shift times and the locations of the shifts. Click Done.

    To repeat the split shift click on Repeat this shift. Choose the days to repeat and the time frame.Click Done.

     The shift will be appear in the Roster.The corner will be white and when you hover on the day details of the shift will appear.

    To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enroll in our Staff Roster course in Phorest Academy- online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professional.

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