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    How can I set up online booking on my website?

    If you are making the changes to your website yourself or through your web developer, see below for info on how to add Online Bookings.

    If you would like Phorest to add Online Bookings to your website for you, please let us know by clicking the link below.

    Click Here For Phorest Setup 

    Floating Book Now Menu:

    The Floating Book Now button should be added to every page of your website. Follow and repeat the steps below to do this:

    To add the online booking page to your website the following snippet of code has to be put on the index page, right before the end body tag and replace salonID with salon branch name:

    'Script src' code is to be placed before the first body tag after <styling> tab

    <script src="https://booking-widget.phorestcdn.com/obwidget.bundle.js"></script>

    window.widget = new OBWidget('placeyoursalonIDhere')

    You can find your Salon ID in your Online Bookings Settings menu

    Here are some step-by-step instructions on where to insert the code using some popular Web Builder CMS:


    1.  Go to Settings 
    2. Then Advanced
    3. Then Code Injection
    4.  Then Copy & paste your Code into the Header


    1. Click Manage Website 
    2. Then Tracking and Analytics
    3. Then New Tool -> Custom 
    4. Then Paste in Code Snippet


    1.  Edit Site 
    2. Then Settings (in navigation)
    3. Then SEO 
    4. Paste entire code excerpt into Header Code


    Integration with wordpress requires downloading a plugin called 'Insert Header and Footer Scripts'

    1.  Select Plugins from the Dash 
    2. Then Add New 
    3. Search for Header and Footer Scripts then install 
    4. Then add the code excerpt to the Header Section

    Link to Dedicated Online Booking Page

    If the Floating Book Now Menu is added to your website, it is not necessary to add a separate 'Book Online' tab/button and link this to a dedicated page. 

    If you have an existing Book Online/Book Now button on your website that you wish to continue to use, follow the steps below:

    Firstly install the Floating Book Now button as outlined above. 

    Once this is done, use your website url and add the following link structure:


    This will open your booking page as a sidebar on your website. 

    Use of IFrames

    We do not recommend the use of IFrames on websites for a number of reasons but mainly because these pages will be marked as unsecured by Chrome and Safari from July 2018 onwards and your clients will be unable to book online. The other reason is because the use of Floating Book Now buttons for online bookings have been proven to convert better. 

    If for some reason you wish to use an IFrame on your website on your online bookings, following the steps outlined under 'Link to Dedicated Online Booking Page' which will give you the same effect. 

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