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    How do I find out which staff members are qualified for a particular service or treatment?

    This is a quick way to find out which staff members are qualified and is particularly useful for call centres or new employees who don't know everything about the salon yet. 

    Step by Step Instructions 

    1. Tap this button on the right hand side of the appointment screen
    2. This screen will appear where you can type in the name of the service you are looking for, to see who is qualified? To return to the appointment screen, just click on the Close button.
    3. This screen will show people who are rostered in on the day you are searching or generally from all the other days.
    4. When you select a Staff Member, it will bring up their week view.
       Now you can make the appointment as normal, or to go back to the day you were on, click on the Day button.  


     Please note you will have to enter the service or treatment again when making the booking

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