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    Twitter Review Feed on Website.

    Although Phorest do not officially support posting reviews to websites there is a workaround using twitter as a way of posting them. 



    Step 1 - Twitter


    Firstly you will need to create a twitter account. ( Its best to do this from a desktop computer.)

    1. Go to https://twitter.com/ Click Sign Up
    2. In the name field put in your business name, 
      1. In the email field your email 
      2. Then create a password.

    3. You can skip the telephone number

    4. Then in the username field type your business name again

    5. Click continue

    6. Choose to not import contacts

    7. Untick people to follow.

    8. Choose "Not now" to stop notifications.

    8. You are now ready to authenticate with Phorest


    NB - You may have to authenticate your mobile number with Twitter in order to verify you are a person and the Twitter account wasn't created automatically.



    Step 2 - Phorest

    Now you need to authenticate Twitter with Phorest


    1. Open Phorest 
    2. Click Marketing
    3. Click Reviews

    4. Click the any Twitter icon next to a review you would like to post.

    5. Click Ok to Authorise Twitter with Phorest

    6. A web browser will open Twitter for authorisation. You need to log in with the details you created in Step 1

    7. Once logged in you will be provided with a unique code.

    8. Now go back to Phorest and enter the code you have just been provided.

    9. Once you press OK Phorest will now be setup to post reviews to Twitter.

    Step 3 - Creating a Web Widget


    You can embed the twitter timeline on your website by visiting https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-timelines we would recommend using a list timeline which can be found here https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-timelines/list a web developer will be able to code the Twitter feed into your website.


    Embedded List Timeline

    A list timeline displays the latest Tweets ordered from newest to oldest from a curated public list of Twitter accounts. The timeline includes a header displaying the list’s name, description, and curator. Read more about Twitter lists.

    1. Sign in to Twitter.
    2. Go to your settings and select Widgets.
    3. Click Create new.
    4. Choose the type of embedded timeline you’d like and start to configure it:
      • For User Timeline, enter the username of the user whose Tweets you want to display.
      • For Favorites, enter the username of the user whose favorites you want to display.
      • For List, select a public list that you own and/or subscribe to in the drop-down menu.
      • For Search, enter your search query (for advanced searches, use Twitter’s search operators).
      • Make sure to select Safe mode if you want to exclude sensitive content, profanity, etc.
    5. Customize the design by specifying the height, theme (light or dark), and link color to match your website. You can also configure your embedded timeline to auto-expand Tweets containing media.
    6. Click Create widget and then copy and paste the code into the HTML of your site. You’re done!

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