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    Low Stock

    Shows all the products that have less than the minimum recommended quantity in stock.

    To run this report, go to Manager>Reports

    Then click on products (1.), and highlight the Low Stock report (as shown in point 2 below), then choose the details you would like to see on your report, or leave these blank (as per point 3 below) to show all details.  Finally click the Generate Now button to run the report (4.)



    The report will now run, here is an example:


    Report Details Overview:

    • Category: This is the name of the category in which the product is assigned to 
    • Product: This is the name of the product
    • Min Qty: This is the minimum amount of stock of this product which you have assigned in Phorest for your salon
    • In Stock: This is the actual amount of the product you have in stock at the time that the report is run.
    • Reorder Qty: This is the amount set in Phorest that is recommended for reorder
    • Product Cost: This is the cost Price of the product. 

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