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    KPI Performance Detail Report

    This report will show all of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) details for your salon

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    Go to Manager>Reports>Return to Old Reports>Financial>KPI Performance Detail

    Staff Utilisation

    Hours Available - Number of hours the staff member was scheduled to work

    Hours Worked - Number of hours the staff member spent  with clients or blocked out using the Break option. Note - "Staff is Paid During This Break" must be ticked to ensure the staff member is "utilised" during this period. 

    Utilisation - Percentage of time staff member is utilised during the hours available.

    Client Breakdown

    Individual Clients - Number of client visits during that period

    New Clients - Number of new client visits during this period

    Requests/Non Requests - These are requests/non requests made to the salon and not the number of clients who've visited (an individual client can have multiple requests)

    Female - Number of female client visits

    Male - Number of male client visits

    Unspecified gender - Number of client visits with an unspecified gender. NOTE: This appears when adding a new client in the system via the appointment screen. You can change this by accessing the clients details through the Client Card on the Appointment screen and selecting the relevant gender. 


    The Average Visit Revenue is worked out by dividing the number of client visits in the Performance Stats report, run for the same period, by the total value of Services and Products EX VAT together.

    Visits are counted as unique guest visits per day. If a single client has 1 sale for a service, and another sale for a product on the same day, this will be counted as a single visit.

    Note: You will need to run the Performance Stats report separately for the same period to get the number of client visits

    Average Service (Ex VAT) is the total number of services sold divided by Net value

    Average Product (Ex VAT) is the total number of products sold divided by Net value

    Services/Courses/Products Sold

    Description of the service/course/product

    #  - How many times this Service/Course/Product was sold in this time period

    Breakdown of figures: Net (exc VAT), VAT, Total

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