To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enrol in our Get Started with Phorest series in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.
To get the transaction report go to Manager and go to Sales
This report lists out the individual transactions processed between the required dates
It shows:
- The date and time of the transaction
- The staff member shows the individual responsible for the service (whether selected at the appointment screen or purchase screen) - not necessarily the staff member logged in when the transaction was made
- The Item is the service, product, course or voucher that was sold on the transaction
- The client that purchased the items
- Any discounts that were applied to the transaction
- The Net value of the transaction
- The Vat incurred
- The total price of the transaction
- The method of payment made by the client
Here we have totals for each section
- The Cashbook for that period (which can be cross-referenced with the Financial Totals report, click here for more info)
- Payment breakdown
- This section shows the money in by the different payment methods in total
To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enrol in our Get Started with Phorest series in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.