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    How do I create Multi-Service Rules

    Control how multi-service appointments are allocated to staff

    The online slot option is an online booking setting that controls the number of staff members booked to perform multiple services.

    The online slot option can be set to one of three options:

    1. Can Be Split - Multiple services can be performed by multiple staff members
    2. Can't Be Split - Multiple services can be performed by only one staff member
    3. Will Only Split For Max Utilization - Multiple services can be performed by only one staff member, but when you run out of free slots we'll offer slots where multiple staff can perform the services.

    Manager > Settings > Online Settings > Multi Service Rules

    Step-by-step guide

    1. Can Be Split - 

     Example: Package with 2 Service, 30 minutes each


    The planner will return all times between the Red Boxes on the appointment screen 

    Can be split provides times from the 2 staff Lucy and Brian that are available to book

    Notice the multi-staff slot


    2. Can't Be Split - 

    Example: Package with 2 Service, 30 minutes each

    The planner will return all times between the Red Boxes on the appointment screen 

    Can't be split option provides slots performed only by one staff member

    Note Notice there no  time as this rule only allows booking for same staff , you cant have multi -staff so booking at 12:30 will mean that you cross from Brian column to Lucy which is not allowed for this rule.

    3. Will Only Split For Max Utilization - 

    Example: Package with 2 Service, 30 minutes each


    The planner will return all times between the Red Boxes on the appointment screen 

    Will only be split for max utilisation provides slots performed only by one staff member (i.e. only by Lucy)

    but if for that day there are no slots like that then it will return any available slots (i.e. performed by Lucy and Brian together)

    Note When all slots are fill in the blue box on both staff then then planner will return they  multi staff slot see green box 

    which will be the   slot.



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