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    How do I pay for an appointment/checkout a client?

    Step-by-step guide

    1. Select the appointment you want to pay for by tapping it once. You will know it is selected as there will be an orange border around the appointment.

    2. Now tap the Pay button at the bottom of the screen.
    3. If you need to add a product to the order - just scan the product immediately OR click the Select button beside the barcode scanner.
    4. If you need to discount the product, then click on the plus symbol in the discount column.
    5. An amount box will then be shown for you to select the appropriate discount, by clicking the down arrow and choosing the appropriate discount from the drop down list.
    6. If you wish to amend a price, then simply click on the price you wish to amend
    7. An amount box will then be shown for you to enter a new price
    8. Finally tap the orange PAY button in the bottom right hand corner.

    9. Select the payment type you wish to use and tap PAY again to finish the sale and go back to the appointment screen.

    When you see the payment types menu - if you tap the small calculator icon to the right of the payment type - you can enter whatever amount you wish - so for example if you want to split the payment over different payment types. If you tap the payment type directly then it will enter the exact amount.

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