What is Google Tag Manager?
Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a marketing tool that allows you to configure and deploy tags to a website, including tags from Google Ads, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd parties. Tags, in a general sense, are bits of code you embed in your website’s javascript or HTML to extract certain information.
For marketers, necessary tag information typically includes how long users visit a page on your site, how they arrived on your site, which links they clicked, or even what products they removed from their shopping cart.
Once you embed a GTM container onto a website, you can add new tags from within the GTM system, without requiring an update to your website.
For more information on GTM please visit the following pages from Google:
- Overview of GTM: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/tag-manager/
- Information for installation support: https://support.google.com/tagmanager
How can I use GTM with Phorest?
We can add a GTM container to your Online Booking platform for you.
To do so, first you need to have a GTM account set up at tagmanager.google.com. When you set up a GTM account, a new container is created by default.
Once you have a container set up please inform Phorest support of your container ID, which will be in the format GTM-XXXXXXX. You can find this ID in the top right of the screen in tag manager as shown below:
You can contact support using the support button within your Phorest system or by emailing support@phorest.com.
The relevant updates will then be made to your Online Booking. You can then add and publish your tags within your GTM account.