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    Entschuldige, aber es wurden leider nichts dazu gefunden.

    Bitte kontaktiere den Support aus Phorest oder schreibe an hilfe@phorest.de und wir melden uns mit der Antwort.

    Wie erstelle ich ein 2 für 1-Paket in Phorest? (englisch)

    You can now create a two for one (or three for one) package on Phorest. This package will require a minimum of two people for one set price.


    1. You create a package as normal in the Services section under the Packages tab
      For more information on how to create a package, click here: How to create a package
    2. Then you click the Advanced tab and enter MAX people as 2 (or 3 for Three for One)

    When it comes to booking in this two for one in the appointment screen, Phorest will ensure you book in the second person after the first person.

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