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    How do I find duplicate clients?

    This article outlines how to quickly locate any duplicate client cards in your database using the duplicate clients report

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    If you are planning on cleaning up your database, you may want to identify all the duplicate clients and data you have.

    To do this safely and efficiently, you can run the Duplicate Clients report.

    Step by Step Guide

    Go to Manager > Reports.

    Then click on Additional Reports.

     Find the Clients section (as shown in point 1. below), then scroll down and highlight the 'Duplicate clients' report (2.).  You will now see four tick boxes (3.) which you can check to find clients based on those details. Once you are happy with your selection, then click on the Generate Now button (4.).

    This will display a list of possible client duplication's in your system.

    You can highlight the potential duplication's on this list, and once confirmed, you can then begin to safely merge them using the client merge feature.

    We have a separate page on how you go about merging client cards here.

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